Of the sounding of the seventh trumpet, and what followed upon it, revelation 11. Four times in the revelation does the apostle john use the expression, in the spirit 1. In verse 4 we are told that they are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks standing before the god of the earth. If this is a description of god, it can only refer to jesus christ who was manifest in the flesh, etc. Revelation chapter 20 1 and after these things i heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, alleluia.
Revelation chapter 11 kjv king james version kathy, not sure what youre looking for, but if it has to do with any other scripture that has resemblance to psalm 23 in showing gods care for his people, then have a look at. Each of these instances signifies a vision that john was given to. The two witnesses of revelation biblical thinking with dr. Aug 04, 2015 this video goes into detail into who the two witnesses in revelation chapter 11 really are, as it goes to other companion passages, and proves from the bible the identity of these two people. Perhaps no passage in revelation is more controversial than chapter 11. If you would like to stream the teaching click the stream link under the stream download column. The two witnesses and the seventh trumpet 1 and there was given me a reed like unto a rod. May 25, 2017 have you ever tried to read the book of revelation. Versebyverse bible teachings calvary chapel of okc. Or more likely the prophesied millennial temple compare ezek. If you would like to dowload the teaching click the download link under the stream download column in chrome or firefox. Careful students of the book of revelation will probably agree with alford that chapter 11 is undoubtedly one of the most difficult in the whole apocalypse.
Letters to the assemblies at ephesus, smyrna, pergamos, and thyatira. Douayrheims bible, apocalypse revelation chapter 11. The bible identifies these two witnesses as the two lampstands or the two olive trees zechariah 4. Just click the link to the commentary of a chapter that you want to read. A commentary on the book of revelation chapter 11 the. Chapter 15 is an introduction to these last seven and final plagues on mankind. But, for the purpose of this post, we are focusing primarily on the book of revelation. The two witnesses of revelation biblical thinking with. Revelation 7 is picturing this innumerable multitude. Revelation chapter 15 explained book of revelation each. Revelation 11, new king james version nkjv the bible app.
In the same way that we must read a novel cover to cover before understanding it properly, so must bible students have an understanding of the bibles first 65. The book is traditionally attributed to john the apostle, but the precise identity of the author remains a point of academic debate. He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death. Return from chapter 11 to the versebyverse commentary on revelation page. A verse by verse exposition of revelation chapter 11 by tony warren verse one and there was given me a reed like unto a rod. To start with we see god as creator and ruler, the lord jesus as the slain lamb and the believers gathered round the throne in heaven chapter 4 and 5. Not until chapter 15 will the chronological developments continue again, namely the pouring out of the seven vials which constitutes the seventh trumpet and the last woe.
A great voice from heaven saying unto them, come up hither. We shall regard it, first, as a summons sent at the appointed hour to every saint. The angel who was talking to me came back and roused me as through rousing someone who was asleep. Even alford attempts to spiritualize the city, the temple, and the events portrayed in this chapter. Revelation with book summary versebyverse bible commentary.
The vision of the mighty angel in chapter 10, and the vision of the. Symbolic detailed descriptions of this wrath will be found in revelation 15. Revelation 11, new international version niv the bible app. Revelation 11 commentary wesleys explanatory notes. In the following paragraph chapters 6 to 11 the seven seals of the book are opened by the lamb. The versebyverse commentary on each chapter of revelation is on a separate page of this website. Revelation chapter 15 begins the preparation for the last seven vials. The temple, the two witnesses, and the seventh trumpet. Study guide for revelation 11 by david guzik blue letter bible. Complete bible commentary on the book of revelation chapter 11 with king james bible text. God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
Revelation 11 is the eleventh chapter of the book of revelation or the apocalypse of john in the new testament of the christian bible. Throughout history god has poured out his wrath in judgment on early sinners. The actual revelation of these things is not given until chapter 6. In the last days, two prophets will be slain in jerusalemafter 3. I replied, as i look, there is a lampstand entirely of gold with a bowl at the top of it. All the angels around the throne of god fall on their faces before the throne and worship god. The first death is usually a painful separation of. Revelation chapter 20, verse 11, and i saw a great white throne. In this chapter is shown how it will fare with the holy city, till the mystery of god is fulfilled. But i say to the rest of you in thyatira, who do not hold to her teaching and have not learned the socalled deep things of satan. Likewise, we could see revelation as the final chapter in gods 66 chapter novel called the bible.
Revelation 11 the church of jesus christ of latterday saints. Revelation chapter 12 1 and there was given me a reed like unto a rod. This chapter contains the accounts related to the sounding of the seventh trumpet. Revelation explained verse by verse, chapter by chapter. This video goes into detail into who the two witnesses in revelation chapter 11 really are, as it goes to other companion passages, and proves from the bible the identity of these two people. Of the measuringreed given to the apostle, to take the dimensions of the temple, revelation 11. You sort of picture john with a bunch of legal pads trying to describe what. Book of revelation chapter 11 the two witnesses and the. Bible teaching from the book of revelation chapter 11 part 1. There is a wide diversity of viewpoints regarding the interpretation of this chapter, but most of this occurs because men try to symbolize or spiritualize the city, the temple, and the events that are portrayed here. Lets turn in our bibles to revelation chapter 20, verses 11 through 15, a marvelous and familiar text, giving to us the most serious and sobering scene in all of the bible because it describes the most tragic event in the history of mankind, the great white throne judgment. Satan versus yahovahs people the yahudim jews and israels children throughout history. A lot of people start reading the bible and skip to the end to find out what happens.
The wrath of god began with the seven seals in chapter 6, and will be finished with the last seven vials. This is one of the glorious, mighty themes of the book of revelation. Revelation chapter 11 continues the parenthesis that began in chapter 10. The temple, the two witnesses, and the seventh trumpet rev. When this interpretation of this chapter is compared with the notion of two. Complete text, index, search, bible verse, bible story, scripture, book, prophesy, christian. Introduction to the revelation of the day of yahovah the l ord chapter 2. Then seven blows of trumpets start two series of terrible plagues and judgments. The great tribulation comes in the second half of the last week of daniels seventy weeks prophecy recorded in the book of. When the time shall come, fixed by irreversible decree, there shall be heard a great voice from heaven to every believer in c. Revelation chapter 11 explained book of revelation each. They worship god declaring that god is worthy of worship. To listen to one of pastor kens versebyverse bible studies, click the appropriate link below.
The book of revelation of jesus christ scripturally expounded. There was given the line of thought in chapter 10 carries into chapter 11. See the exposition of the seventh verse of this chapter. Naturally, only after reading the entire book would the final chapter make any sense. Revelation 2020 verse by verse ministry international. You sort of picture john with a bunch of legal pads trying to describe what he saw and record directly what was told to him. Read commentary on this popular bible verse and understand the real meaning behind gods word using john gills. Have you ever tried to read the book of revelation. This lesson is called, doing gods will in difficult times. Having been revived the two witnesses heard a voice saying. Other passages in both the old and new testament must be brought together with the book of revelation to get a more complete picture. Other ways revelation describes this portion of gods wrath is the 3 rd woe, the seventh trumpet, or vials one through seven. And there was given me a measuring rod like a staff. Once again when the passage is taken in its normal or literal meaning much of the diversity immediately.
Revelation 11 bible commentary on the book of revelation. Bible commentary on the book of revelation by brian pepper. The two witnesses and the 7 th trumpet previous revelation study list next zechariah in his 5 th vision. The next post will provide some tips for teaching the book of revelation. There is a wide diversity of viewpoints regarding the interpretation of this. In the scriptures, woman is usually used to typify the church or a nation. It clearly shows that there are two groups of people who have to go through the period known as the great tribulation or jacobs trouble jer. Even alford attempts to spiritualize the city, the temple, and the.
Likewise, we could see revelation as the final chapter in gods 66chapter novel called the bible. We have already looked at trumpets 16 in revelation 8. Revelation chapter 11 verse by verse bible commentary. Rather than assuming that zechariah was prophesying the return of two preexisting characters, perhaps we should understand that these were meant to taken as two people yet to come. Revelation 11 new international version niv the two witnesses. Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the lord our god. John is told to measure the temple of god, which may be a rebuilt temple in jerusalem during the tribulation period.
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